Friday, November 4, 2011

Giving Thanks Portraits

These pictures become family heirlooms, as the character of the hands and faces of beloved grandparents are shown.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Outdoor Family Portraits

Are you considering updating your family portrait this year?  Make the most of nature's beauty and have a family portrait done before winter.  Take advantage of the beautiful landscapes in our area, we've scouted out several great locations to suit every family's style.  Call 801-754-5304 to secure your spot on our schedule.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Calm before the Storm

What handsome boys! and a cute mom!  Dad is where some of the good looks comes from as well!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Faires indeed!

 When they caught the Frog Prince, that made the fairies happy.

 Maybe the Frog Prince had to go away, and made the fairy sad...
The glowing balls had the fairies attention!

The many faces...

 she is curious...
 She is pleased...
 She is friendly...
 She isn't sure what to think about that...
 She is momentarily distracted..
She is very amused...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Vagabond Princesses Project

We were getting ready to make a cabinet for my backdrops, and so I decided to photograph all of them and decide if we should keep them all, or get rid of some.  I thought that since I had them up, it would be fun to put some pretty little girls in them.  I had about 27 backdrops, so this was quite a project. 

 The pictures turned out exceptionally cute, and the girls were sweet and cooperative.  Here a few of them.

The Vagabond Princesses  
Click here to view video.